What do you know about cabinet painting san jose? How well versed are you on dovetail drawers? If you’ve considered putting in custom kitchen cabinets, you must also consider what it’s like working with a custom cabinetmaker. Custom cabinets may cost more, but they are also a unique alternative for giving your kitchen that unique and distinctive appearance that is exclusive to your home.

If you’ve decided to go this route, you must first select the right custom cabinetmaker for your particular project. But too many homeowners make some fundamental mistakes when they are seeking out the best cabinetmaker in their area. The thing to remember is that you are not buying a pre-fab job from your local big-box hardware store, so the process of design, manufacture, and installation is going to be somewhat different every step of the way. Here are the things you will need to keep in mind before you enter into this type of working relationship:

DON’T Rush It

That “don’t” is in caps to emphasize the point. If you’re in a rush to get a set of cabinets in your kitchen, stop reading and go check out some pre-fab catalogs because the custom process is not something that can be done on the quick. Every phase of the project is a carefully considered and crafted affair, one that relies on attention to detail and well-thought out decisions.

A custom job means you are selecting the specifications of every facet of your cabinet. That includes the materials, the finish, the type of hardware, the functionality of the doors and drawers, the size of storage, and where you plan to install everything once it’s finished.

These are not choices you want to jump into quickly and without much thought. This is because you want to be sure you’re ready to live with these selections for years to come. Changing your mind at any part of the manufacturing phase is only going to delay your cabinets and possibly cost more. So, enjoy the planning phase to the fullest and be sure every decision you’ve made is your final one.

Ask Questions and Try New Things

The design phase is where you get to play around with ideas, some are going to work, some will not. But don’t feel shy about getting bold about your vision. Try new colors and don’t be afraid to ask questions to help better inform your decision-making process.

Above all, don’t hesitate to explain exactly what it is you want in your kitchen down to the minutest detail. If you don’t tell the cabinetmaker what you have in mind, it’s going to make it a lot more difficult to get the finished product you desire.

Sit Back and Relax

Once the planning phase is finished and you’ve signed off on all of the specifications, let the cabinetmaker do his or her job. The manufacturing phase is going to take some time because these cabinets are being built from scratch. Remember, you didn’t go with pre-fab for a reason and this is it. You want a refined, unique, and high-quality product. That kind of thing takes time. When in doubt, look above – DON’T rush it.

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